11 Mart 2012 Pazar


To procure to this carefree lakeside village of 20,000, you can observe the northern shore of Lake Siljan there( ıs a span at Färnäs), or comply with the lake's southern shore through Leksand and Gesunda to procure a advantage feel of Dalarna.

Mora ıs superlative known as the finishing train for the world's longest cross-country ski make haste, the Vasalopp, which begins ın Stride 90 km 56( mi) away at Sälen, a ski recourse lock to the Norwegian binding. The hurry commemorates a elementary morsel of Swedish experience: the succeeding venture by Gustav Vasa ın 1521 to gathering endemicü peasants to the origin of ridding Sweden of Danish function. The hurry attracts thousands of competitors from all over the mother earth, ıncluding the Swedish nabob. There ıs a spectacular accumulate onset at Sälen 1 previously the arable thins off. The leave off ıs eagerly awaited ın Mora, though since the outset of among the living tv broadcasts, the enumerate of spectators has fallen.

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